
Where we operate

International Safety Consultants (ISC) operating as an independent business entity at 8 business locations and our Kingston office (UK) performs as a headquarters for all the other business units. More than 15 full time consultants are involving for operations under ISC and we engage with a large pool of local and international external experts for different business needs. Our consultants are working in Europe region, based in Switzerland, UK, France and Ireland. Further, our consultants who are working in Asia-Oceania region based in Australia, India, Sri Lanka and Singapore.

Our services based on 4 different segments. They are;

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Operations in all 4 segments are based on the availability of our H&S professionals. Even our specialized H&S professionals are not available for your needs at your country; we are pleased to arrange our foreign consultants in a cost effective manner. We’re always looking for new challenges where we can make a difference.

occupation safety